Gordon Ashworth / Concern

Gordon Ashworth has released countless solo recordings as Concern & Oscillating Innards, & is the vocalist & guitarist for Portland, OR black metal band Knelt Rote.
S.T.L.A. is the first album that Gordon Ashworth has released under his own name, & it marks a major step forward in his musical development. S.T.L.A. marries the drone & musique concrete elements of Concern with traditional folk instrumentation, blending heart-rending banjo & piano melodies, raga-style acoustic guitar, & abstract field recordings into epic, psychedelic tape collages. S.T.L.A. is the strongest & most accessible release in Gordon Ashworth’s vast & varied discography.
S.T.L.A. was released April 8, 2014 on Orindal Records.
A newly reconstructed, remixed, & remastered edition of Misfortune, the final document of Gordon Ashworth's Concern project, was released on CD & digital formats by Orindal on October 27, 2014.
- Gordon Ashworth Bandcamp
- Iatrogenesis Bandcamp
- Gordon Ashworth Soundcloud
- Concern Soundcloud
- Misfortune reviewed by Expermimedia
- S.T.L.A. reviewed by Tome To The Weather Machine
- S.T.L.A. reviewed by Anti-Gravity Bunny
- S.T.L.A. reviewed by Fluid Radio
- S.T.L.A. reviewed by Textura
- Pitchfork track review
- Live video from Liebig12 (Berlin)
- Rick Moody interview
- Fact Magazine interview